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The Pollyanna: She is constantly smiling and is very rarely unhappy.Plucky Girl: A very outgoing girl who takes her studies very seriously and tries to make friends with everyone.Her last name, Sundae, references her cheery nature. Meaningful Name: Smiley always tries to stay positive about things and her head looks like a smiley face.After she grows her hair out, this is averted. Lady Looks Like a Dude: In the earlier games, the only thing that distinguishes her from her male classmates is pronoun usage.Grow Old with Me: After marrying Phil, she is depicted at an old age, sitting next to the equally old Phil.The Cutie: Sweet, innocent, and almost always smiling.Childhood Friend Romance: The ending to Transfer 2 has Phil confess his love for her.Brainy Brunette: The smartest and most dedicated student in the school, and she's confirmed to be a brunette after she grows her hair out in Transfer 1.

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The Ace: Being an academic scholar, she appears to have the strongest future of Phil's friends.She has a minor role in 1- 4, but she becomes more important in 5 and the Riddle Transfer duology. One of Phil's friends from school, Smiley is a student who enjoys school and learning. Relationship Upgrade: With Smiley in Transfer 2, after he confesses to her.One Running Gag is remarking "Now THAT was A SHARP idea!" whenever he solves a puzzle using something sharp (be it a pencil or a music note), immediately followed by him shaming himself for being so lame.

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  • Pungeon Master: Likes to crack puns at the situation at hand.
  • Official Couple: With Smiley in Transfer 2.
  • Subverted in the last cutscene of Transfer 2, when he hugs Smiley and finally takes on a smile just as wide as hers.
  • No Mouth: Like most characters other than Smiley, he's depicted without a mouth - however, scenes like the end of 4 show that he does have one.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: It's not revealed until 5, but if Phil hadn't escaped school way back in 1, the entire series' overarching plot would've been nullified and Earth would never have been in danger (though it is implied that Viz was looking for an excuse to destroy Earth anyway).
  • I have to kill Zack.It's really astonishing how nobody heard me say that."
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall / Medium Awareness: He does this on occasion.
  • He escapes school, rescues his friends, breaks them out of top secret facilities, and overthrows alien overlords with his wits. He always had the "guile" part, but not the "hero" part until then.

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  • Guile Hero: He become one by the time of 5.
  • #Riddle school transfer 2 mrs coffe series

    Grow Old with Me: He marries Smiley, and the last shot of the series is the two of them as elders, sitting arm in arm.Even alien spaceships and governmental prisons. Escape Artist: Shown to be able to escape from anything he's in.Earn Your Happy Ending: The end of Transfer 2 has him enter a relationship with Smiley after two back-to-back abductions and a confrontation of an evil alien project.

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    Deadpan Snarker: Full of dry wit and wisecracks every other thing he says is a sarcastic comment.Childhood Friend Romance: The ending to Transfer 2 has him confess his love for Smiley.Chekhov's Skill: His talent of being able to escape school allows him to escape a governmental prison and take out three alien overlords.He also goes from snarking and teasing Smiley to respecting, caring for, and ultimately coming to love her.

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  • Character Development: By the end of the series, he's grown from a rebellious youth with a desire to escape his responsibilities to - in Jonochrome's own words - an adult in a child's body who fights to free his friends when they're in trouble and accepts the full weight of the world onto his shoulders.
  • "The answer to that problem most likely has numbers in it."

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